Thus things will never cease to arise from each other, and life is given to no one as property, to everyone as usufruct. Sic alid ex alio numquam desistet oriri vitaque mancipio nulli datur, omnibus usu. Titus Lucretius CaroDe rerum natura: Book 03 Part 04 The Center for Necroscopic Medicine – Training Surgery Unit is active at the IRCCS Neuromed, an innovative space for the dissection and study of human anatomy in its entirety. A space in which operators from the medical world can study, experiment, perfect surgical practices, deepen anatomical knowledge, but also discover new techniques and refine the most valid ones on fresh/frozen anatomical preparations, thanks to the use of advanced technologies and a team of professionals ready to support the entire training path from a technical and organizational point of view. The Necroscopic Medicine Center – Training Surgery Unit is divided into two sections: one is located at the IRCCS Neuromed hospital site, located in Via Atinense Pozzilli (IS) and is equipped with a large autopsy room and the other is located at the Technology Park in Camerelle, in via dell’Elettronica. This cutting-edge anatomical dissection center, created for the “practical” training of surgeons, is highly professional and divided into two levels: surgical anatomy and surgical technique. Starting from anatomical in-depth analysis, residents and already specialized surgeons experiment, under the guidance of a team of top experts, how to optimally perform surgical techniques on regions of specific anatomical parts derived from cadavers. The IRCCS Neuromed is a best practice for the study and treatment of pathologies relating to Neurosurgery, Neurology, Neuro-rehabilitation for all applications relating to Neuroscience. Furthermore, it is also a national center for neurosurgery with a constantly increasing operating activity: on average 2000 operations are carried out per year.